Professor Mason has office hours on April 22 and April 25 which you can book on this page.
Exam time can be a stressful time.
Ryerson provides support at #takeCareRU if you need/want it.
The final is in ENG201-206
, on 2022.04.26 (past)
or 11:15
There will be a posting for room and time here shortly.
The final will be 180 minutes long. It is being done in 2 blocks - either 08:00-11:00 or 11:15-14:15
Please be there 15 minutes early, as the exam will not start until everyone is seated, and any delay after the official start time will eat into your time!
There will be no calculators or books allowed.
You will be able to keep your laptops, backpacks, and coats with you.
If you insist on wearing a hat, any brim must point back.
The test will be mostly programming (in Smalltalk, Elixir, Haskell, or Rust), partly multiple-choice, and partly short-answer.
The multiple-choice questions will mostly not be definitions.
The following topics are legitimate for the final:
Labs 1-12
Assignments 1-3
Everything covered in class, whether on the lecture slides or not.
The final is comprehensive, and will cover all of the languages, more-or-less equally, as well as theory that we will cover in the last few weeks of the course.
For studying purposes, this is all the questions previously asked in the course that are directly relevant to the current semester.
However, note that these questions were when the exam was written on paper/multiple-choice, so given that for this exam you will have a computer and the languages and reference material available, some of the questions will be quite different (more like, write code that would produce this string, or have the variable x have type ...), but regardless these should give you some idea of the level of the questions. The coding and short answer questions seem quite reasonable, but the coding-based multiple-choice questions or questions that ask you the types of an expression or function will be reversed. Some examples:
Q145 - something more like: give a function that would produce this type signature.
Q78-83 - assign something to x that would give it the requested type.
Q50,Q142 - given that x is #(3 4 5), give an expression of x that would give the value 3
Q123-129 - we might give you a function with a type signature and a test case and ask you to produce a minimal body of the function that would type check and pass the test.
Remember that examples and test cases we provide will not be the identical ones that we use for marking (for example, we are likely to provide a different string value as a parameter).