- Pharo by Example for Pharo-9 - works for Pharo 10, too; Pharo-5 version
- Deep Into Pharo is a great follow-on book, and includes chapters on Monticello and PetitParser which we will be using. Free.
- Download Pharo here. Pharo is the Smalltalk programming environment we will use for the course.
- The main documentation page including screencasts and presentations.
- Stackoverflow has lots of questions and answers on Pharo and Smalltalk.
- Pharo Tutorials on Youtube
- Lots of freely available Smalltalk books
- A tutorial written by a Pharo neophyte
- What FP can learn from Smalltalk
- Video showing TDD (Test Driven Development) or Pharo
- Learn Smalltalk in Y minutes
- But Really, You Should Learn Smalltalk
- Intro to Smalltalk
- From Smalltalk to Squeak including a bit of the history of computer hardware at the beginning
- MOOC on OO programming with Pharo Smalltalk
- Cuis Smalltalk a smaller, perhaps more accessible Smalltalk implementation
- Is Smalltalk a functional language?
- Pharo tips and tricks
- Smalltalk overview
- Alan Kay: Early History of Smalltalk
- TERF is a 3D immersive environment running on the Cog (Smalltalk) VM
- Chapter 3 of "Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns" by Kent Beck, or draft of the whole book, or buy the book on Amazon
- MySmalltalk Blog
- PharoJS - program on Pharo, deliver to the WWW
- Amber Smalltalk on the web - an IDE in a web browser
- Another Case for Smalltalk about creating control structures in Smalltalk
- Smalltalk Renaissance and Resources
- Today's Smalltalk - A Second Look at the First OO Language
- Squeak is Like an Operating System - a bit dated, but interesting.
- Len/Mathematics - A Computational Mathematics Package in Smalltalk and a discussion about Smalltalk implementations
- Webpage teaching (Swiss) Italian written in Smalltalk
- Smalltalk Jobs
- GNU Smalltalk - a non-IDE Smalltalk
- Agile Visualization
- Smalltalk with Style book