- Elixir Language and Getting started
- Elixir Cheat Sheet
- Elixir for the Lazy, Impatient and Busy>/a>
- Learn Elixir in Y minutes
- Elixir precompiled releases (if you have Erlang installed) or Elixir install from packages
- Elixir is a Ruby-like syntax for the Erlang VM. Elixir home
- Phoenix is Not Rails but is a web server development platform. Here is a video about it
- Programming Phoenix book, but also a link to a talk
- A Language for the Next 10 Years
- Elixir Style Guide
- Awesome Elixir list of libraries, resources, and shiny things!
- Elixir Books on the Elixir Forum
- Learn you some Elixir
- Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix - book
- Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
- Erlang home page
- Download Erlang (and Elixir for some Linux dists)
- Learn you some Erlang for Great Good! online book
- A general Google search for Erlang and the topic of interest is usually pretty effective.
- N2O describes Erlang web servers
- Yaws it a full-function web server written in Erlang
- Why choose Erlang for web development?
- Discussion of Erlang GC
- WhatsApp - 1M+ connections/server talk at Erlang Conference